"Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the Lord." Psalm 134:2

Paso Por Aqui

Today we head to “El Morro” or as it is best known in this area, “Inscription Rock.” This is an intersecting place where Pilgrims stopped for respite in the shade of the trees at the base of the rock. Here, the Spanish settlers carved their names to commemorate that they had “passed by here,” “Paso Por aqui,” on their way north into a new land. Here, also, the families headed west during the gold rush, added their names to the sandstone giant. And evidence of the Native American tribes and their stop here can be seen at the very peak of the stone. And so we of the Yadah Community, pilgrims on our own journey, head to the rock to praise The Rock of our Salvation. We will not add our names to the rock, for our names have already been written in another place, an eternal place. But we will commemorate that we “passed by here” and that we worshipped the God who created this wondrous spot.

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